Preventative Maintenance Agreement (PMA)

For top-notch residential maintenance, contact us to schedule an appointment!


What to Expect with a Comfort Ness Heating & Cooling Preventative Maintenance Agreement

Comfort Ness’ Preventative Maintenance Agreement (PMA) plan is an annual contractual agreement between a property owner or manager and our company. This agreement outlines a structured and proactive approach to maintaining and servicing equipment to ensure its optimal performance, energy efficiency, and longevity. The primary goal of a PMA plan is to prevent unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs, as well as to maximize the system’s lifespan.

Inclusions of PMA plan:

Spring AC Service

This seasonal service ensures that your air conditioning system operates efficiently during the warmer months.

Fall Furnace Service

Our fall inspection focuses on your furnace, preparing it for the upcoming colder season.

Cleaning and Lubrication

The HVAC technician will clean and lubricate essential components such as coils, filters, fans, and motors. This helps improve system efficiency and indoor air quality.

Calibration and Testing

Technicians will calibrate and test various HVAC system components to ensure they are operating within manufacturer specifications. This helps identify potential issues before they become critical problems.

Filter Replacement

Regular filter replacement is a critical part of maintaining HVAC efficiency and air quality.

Safety Inspections

Technicians will check for any safety issues, such as gas leaks, carbon monoxide leaks, or electrical problems, to ensure the safe operation of the HVAC system.

Interested in becoming a pMA customer?

Contact us today for pricing!

Exclusive Benefits for PMA Customers:

Exclusion from After-Hour and Weekend Fees

PMA customers will enjoy the privilege of being exempt from additional charges for after-hour and weekend service calls. This ensures prompt attention to your HVAC needs without incurring extra costs during non-standard business hours.

15% Discount on Parts

As part of our commitment to providing value, PMA customers will receive a 15% discount on any parts required during the annual plan. This cost-saving benefit enhances the affordability of maintaining your HVAC system.

Energy Efficiency

Regular maintenance can significantly improve the energy efficiency of HVAC systems, leading to reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills.

Warranty Compliance

Many HVAC manufacturers require regular maintenance to keep warranties valid. A PMA ensures that the necessary maintenance is performed according to manufacturer specifications.

Peace of Mind

Property owners and managers can have peace of mind knowing that their HVAC systems are in good hands and that potential problems are being proactively addressed.

By enrolling in our PMA plan, you are not only ensuring the optimal functioning of your HVAC systems but also gaining access to valuable cost-saving benefits. We appreciate your trust in Comfort Ness Heating & Cooling for your heating and cooling needs.